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تحميل برنامج Bitdefender Rescue CD 2017 أخر أصدار

حجم الملف : 645MB – إمتداد الملف : RAR-تحميل برنامج Bitdefender Rescue CD 2017 أخر أصدار
نبذه عن برنامج Bitdefender Rescue CD 2017
يعد برنامج Bitdefender Rescue CD 2017 الصادر هذا العام 2017 هو السلاح الفتاك لكل فيروس أو برنامج ضار يصعب عليك حذفه من الجهاز الخاص بك ولذلك يحتفظ الهاكر بهذا البرنامج نظراً للخطوره التي يتعرضوا لها أثناء تصفح الإنترنت، ولقب هذا البرنامج القوي منذ أصداره بأسطوانة الإنقاذ.

مميزات برنامج
Bitdefender Rescue CD 2017
Features of Bitdefender Rescue CD 2017
• Since it does not depend on Windows to run, the software can be deployed even before the OS boots up. The only requirement in order o use it in this manner is that the ISO image it comes in should be written on a disc and then the optical drive is used as primary boot device.
• Once the BitDefender Rescue CD system is initialized, you will be presented with several choices, most of which are related to the language you want to use. Nonetheless, a useful feature you can find right at the start screen is the availability of the verbose mode which displays information about each component that is loaded and can be quite handy in troubleshooting hardware issues.
• Inside the XUbuntu based environment, you will find the necessary tools that will help you clean the malware using BitDefender’s proven solutions and also recovering lost or damaged files. You won’t have to perform manual updates for the virus cleaning components since they are programmed to do so automatically, when the rescue CD initializes.
• All things considered, BitDefender Rescue CD is a solid data recovery and malware removal utility that will prove its great value for all users who need to salvage their system and restore it to a functional state.


معلومات الاصدار

Release InfoWhat’s New
Title: Bitdefender Rescue CD 27.01.2017
Developer: Bitdefender
License: FreeWare
Language: Multi (English, German, French, Romanian, Spanish)
OS: Windows

تحميل برنامج Bitdefender Rescue CD 2017 أخر أصدار
645 ميجا


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